35mm film

35mm film35mm film
  1. HDTV - Form of digital TV with high resolution ( approximating 35mm film ) .


  2. The light spot controlled by a PDP-12 computer is focused by simple optical techniques and scans on a 35mm film .


  3. Apple has thrown several mainline industries , including music , movies , television , publishing , cameras and 35mm film , into convulsions .


  4. Boosters say it looks nearly as good as 35mm film -- and costs around $ 30000 , or about the same as renting a 35mm camera for 10 days .


  5. I had spent weeks in the film archive surrounded by piles of rusting 35mm film canisters , looking through footage of the shows the regime staged to celebrate its own importance .


  6. Micrographics & Rules for microfilming technical drawings and technical documentations on 35mm roll film


  7. As a result demand for 35mm cinema film is expected to decline from 13 billion feet a year in 2008 to just four billion in 2012 .


  8. Head gaps and sound records for three - , four - , or six-track magnetic sound records on 35mm motion-picture film containing on picture-Positions and width dimensions


  9. The final orientation of DCI regulation is to make the quality of image and sound that are reproduced totally by digitization meet and even surpass that in 35mm photographic film .


  10. The basic conclusion is the picture quality of HDTV can match that of 35mm motion picture release film showed in cinema .
